Agnostic- One who believes that there can be no proof
of the existence of god, but does not deny the possibility that god exists
Agnosticism: Holding the beliefs of an Agnostic
Apathetic- Indifferent
Belief- Conviction or opinion
Bishop- Senior clergyman in charge of a diocese within
the Synod
Church- Organization for public worship
Clergy- Individuals ordained for religious service
Faith- Confident belief or conviction; religion
Goal- Desired result or purpose
Home Church- UCTAA located in Medicine Hat, Alberta,
Jurisdiction- The limits within which an authority
or control may operate
Matriarch / Patriarch- Ecclesiastical leader of the
church or a synod within the church
Mission- A function or task
Ordain- To install into the role of clergy person
Synod- A council of churches or church officials
UCTAA- Universal Church Triumphant of the Apathetic
UCTAA of Mississippi- Mississippi Synod of the Universal
Church Triumphant of the Apathetic Agnostic