Out of Attala
Occupations, Page 2
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Occupations, Page 2

This is a continuation of archaic occupation names...

  • JAKES-FARMER: one who emptied cesspools
  • JOBBER: [1] a person who bought in quantity and sold to individual dealers; [2] one who worked by the job or did piecework; [3] a person who worked in an official capacity and was dishonest, using the office for his own gain
  • JOBMASTER: Supplied carriages, horses and drivers for hire
  • JOINER / JOYNER: a carpenter who did interior finish work by joining pieces of wood
  • JONGLEUR: an itinerant minstrel
  • JOURNEYMAN: one who served an apprenticeship and was no longer bound to serve a master
  • JOUSTER: hawker or peddler of fish
  • KEDGER: a fisherman, or one who peddled fish
  • KEELMAN: a bargeman
  • KEMPSTER: a wool comber
  • KIDDIER: [1] skinner; [2] dealer in young goats
  • KNACKER: [1] one who made harnesses; [2] one who bought old horses and sells the flesh for dog meat, etc.; [3] one who bought and wrecked old houses and sells the various parts
  • KNELLER: a chimney sweep who solicited customers by knocking on doors
  • KNOLLER: one who tolls bells, i.e. as in a church
  • LACEMAN: a dealer in lace
  • LACEWOMAN: a lady's maid
  • LAGGER: a sailor
  • LANDS JOBBER: one who bought land on speculation and sold it to others
  • LANDSMAN: an inexperienced sailor
  • LAND WAITER: a customs official who examined, weighed, and took account of goods that had just been landed (off a ship)
  • LASTER: one who worked or shaped shoes on a last [the mold of the human foot made of wood and used to shape shoes]
  • LATTENER: a maker of or worker in latten, a mixed metal of yellow color, either identical with or closely resembling brass
  • LAUNDERER: a person who washed linen
  • LAVENDAR: a washerwoman
  • LEDERER: leather maker
  • LEECH or SAWBONES: physician
  • LEGERDEMAINIST: magician
  • LEIGHTONWARD: a gardener
  • LIGHTERMAN: one who owns or is employed on a lighter, a large flat-bottomed barge used to unload and load ships where the water is too shallow for the ships to dock
  • LIMNER: one who illuminated books or parchments; one who paints or draws
  • LINENER: a linen draper; shirt maker
  • LINKERMAN: a person who carried a link or torch to guide people through city streets at night for a small fee
  • LISTER: one who kept a list of persons being taxed and their property
  • LITSTER: a dyer; one who dyed fabrics
  • LOADSMAN / LODESMAN: a pilot of a ship or boat
  • LOBLOLLY BOY: a ship's doctor assistant
  • LOCK KEEPER: overseer of canal locks
  • LONGSHOREMAN: one who worked on the waterfront loading and unloading ships
  • LORESMAN: a teacher
  • LORIMER: a maker of bits and metal mounting for horse bridles, generally a maker of small ironware and a worker in wrought iron
  • LUNGS: a servant whose duty was to blow the fire of an alchemist
  • MADERER: one who gathered and sold garlic
  • MALEMAKER: a maker of 'Males' or traveling bags
  • MALENDER: a farmer
  • MALSTER: one who made or dealt in malt
  • MANGLE KEEPER: a woman who offered use of the mangle to others for a fee
  • MANTUAMAKER: a dressmaker
  • MASON: a stonecutter; one who worked with stone or brick
  • MASTER: a skilled workman or one in business on his own
  • MASTER MARINER: the commander of a ship
  • MASTER OF THE ROLLS: an equity judge
  • MATCHET FORGER: knife maker, or machete maker
  • MEADER: a mower
  • MEALMAN: dealer in meal or flour
  • MECHANIC: [1] Manual laborer; [2] Operator of a machine
  • MEDICINE PEDDLER: an itinerant salesman who dealt in herbs, elixirs, pills, etc. which were bought in large batches and sold under his own label
  • MELDER: a corn miller
  • MENAGE-MAN: an itinerant vendor who sold goods to be paid for in installments
  • MERCATOR: a merchant
  • MERCER: a person who dealt in costly fabrics, especially silks
  • MERCHANT: an occupation that might mean anything involving the buying and selling of a variety of products
  • MESSENGER: [1] a constable; [2] one who was appointed by a court to handle certain duties in a bankruptcy case
  • METALMAN: a worker in metals
  • METERER: a poet
  • MIDSHIPMAN: usually, a wealthy second or third son who could not inherit
  • MIDWIFE: a woman trained in the birthing process who helped other women in the birth of a child
  • MILLER: one who owned or operated a flour mill
  • MILLERESS: miller's wife
  • MILLINER: [1] a seller of fancy wares and articles of apparel; [2] a maker of ladies hats and bonnets
  • MILLWRIGHT: one who planned and built mills or mill machinery
  • MINER: a worker in a mine, such as coal, iron, etc.
  • MINT MASTER: the person in charge of a mint
  • MIXER: bartender
  • MONEY-SCHRIVENER: a person who raised money for others
  • MOULDER: one who made molds for casting or one who molded clay into bricks
  • MUDLARK: sewer cleaner, riverbank scavenger
  • MUFFIN MAN: itinerant seller of muffins
  • MULESKINNER: a mule driver
  • MULETEER: one who drove a team of mules
  • MULTURER: a miller
  • MUSIKER: a musician
  • MUSTARDER: one who made and dealt in mustard
  • NAVIGATOR: a laborer digging canals and later, railways
  • NECESSARY WOMAN: servant responsible for emptying and cleaning chamber pots
  • NECKER: a worker responsible for the feeding of cardboard into the machine that makes boxes
  • NEDELLER: one who made needles
  • NETTER: a net maker
  • NIGHT SOILMAN: one employed to empty cesspits, ash pits and backyard toilets
  • NIGHT MAGISTRATE: a constable
  • NIGHTWALKER: a watchman or bellman
  • NIMGIMMER: doctor, surgeon, or apothecary
  • NOB-THATCHER: one who made wigs
  • OCCUPIER: a tradesman
  • OILMAN: a person who sold the oil for lamps
  • OLITOR: a kitchen gardener
  • ORDERLY: a non-commissioned officer or private in the military service assigned to look after the needs of superior officers or to carry orders or messages
  • ORDINARY KEEPER: innkeeper
  • ORFEVER: a goldsmith
  • OSTREGER: a keeper of goshawks
  • OSTLER: See Hostler
  • OUT-CRIER: an auctioneer
  • OWLER: a sheep or wool smuggler
  • PACKMAN: a peddler, or person who traveled around carrying goods for sale in a pack
  • PACKER: one who packed goods for preservation, such as pickles or herring
  • PAINTRESS: a woman employed in the pottery industry to hand-paint the finished articles
  • PALING MAN: one who dealt in eels; fishmonger
  • PAN SMITH: one who made pans; metalworker
  • PANTER: keeper of the pantry
  • PARKER: one who kept a park; a caretaker
  • PASSAGE KEEPER: a person who kept passages and alleys clean
  • PASTELER: a pastry maker
  • PASTOR: a shepherd or herdsman
  • PAVER: one who maintained pavements; a person who laid paving stones
  • PAVYLER: one who put up pavilions or tents
  • PAWNBROKER: one who loaned money with interest against items of value left for security
  • PEAGER: a toll-keeper
  • PEDAILE: a footman; a foot soldier
  • PEDDLER: a person who traveled from place to place selling small goods
  • PELTERER: a person who worked with animal skins
  • PERFUMER: a maker or seller of perfumes
  • PERCHEMEAR: one who made parchment
  • PERIWIG MAKER: a wigmaker
  • PERUKER: wigmaker
  • PESSONER: a fishmonger
  • PETERMAN: a fisherman
  • PETTIFOGGER: a small time lawyer retained by a small or mean business
  • PETTY CHAPMAN: an itinerant dealer in small goods, a peddler
  • PEW OPENER: a person hired to open the doors to private pews in church
  • PHARMAOPOEIST: a person who sold medicines; an apothecary
  • PHILOSOPHICAL INSTRUMENT MAKER: a maker of scientific instruments
  • PICAROON: a pirate, or a pirate's ship; a thief, adventurer, or rogue
  • PIECE BROKER: one who sold material remnants
  • PIGMAKER: a person who made pig or cast iron; pottery worker
  • PIGMAN: [also MUGGER] a seller of crockery
  • PIKELET MAKER: baker who specialized in making small pancakes or crumpets
  • PIKEMAN: a miller's assistant
  • PIKER: tramp or vagrant
  • PILL BOX LIDDER: one responsible for making the lids of pill boxes in the pottery trade
  • PILLER: a robber


  • PILOT: one licensed to steer ships through difficult waters
  • PINDER: a person whose duty was to catch and confine stray animals
  • PINER: [1] a pioneer; [2] a laborer
  • PINNER: a pin maker
  • PINNER UP: [1] a dressmakers assistant; [2] person who sold broadsheets or ballads in the streets
  • PIPER: an innkeeper
  • PITMAN: a coal miner; one who worked in a pit
  • PLAIN WORKER: one who performed plain sewing or needlework as opposed to an embroiderer
  • PLAITER: one who made straw plaits used in making hats
  • PLANKER: one who planks or kneads the body of the hat during felting
  • PLOUGH JOGGER: a plowman
  • PLOWMAN: a farm worker; a husbandman
  • PLOWRIGHT: one who made or repaired plows
  • PLUMASSIER / PLUMER: a person who made or sold plumes, ornamental feathers
  • PLUMBUM MAN: a plumber; one who worked with lead pipes
  • POINTER: someone who sharpened needles or pins
  • POLEMAN: a surveyor's assistant
  • PONDERATOR: an inspector of weights and measures
  • PORTER: [1] a pallbearer; [2] a doorman
  • POSTILLION: one who worked on long distance coaches and whose duty it was to change the horses at stops
  • POST RIDER: one who carried mail over a post road
  • POTATO BADGER: a potato seller
  • POT BOY: person who worked in public houses washing, removing dirty pots and other menial jobs
  • POTTER: one who made or peddled pottery or earthenware vessels
  • POTTER CARRIER: a chemist or pharmacist
  • POUCH MAKER: a person who made pouches or purses
  • POULTER: one who dealt in poultry
  • POYNTER: lace maker
  • PRESTIDIGITATOR: a magician; a juggler; one who juggles words
  • PRICKER: witch hunter
  • PUBLICAN: [1] an innkeeper or tavern keeper; [2] a person who collected fees of any kind such as tithes, tolls, tributes, customs, etc.
  • PUGGER: a woman or child employed by brick manufacturers to produce clay paste by treading
  • PULLEYMAKER: one who made pulleys for hoists
  • PUMPMAKER: a person who made pumps
  • QUARRIER: a quarry worker
  • QUARRYMAN: quarry worker
  • QUILLER: a person who operated a machine that wound yarn onto spools
  • QUILTER: a person who quilted material
  • QUISTER: one who bleached things
  • RAG CUTTER: someone who cut up rags into small pieces to be used for making paper
  • RAG GATHERER: usually children, employed to clear the rags from the machinery in the mills
  • RAG MAN: a person who went from street to street collecting and selling old clothes and rags
  • RAG AND BONE MAN: one who went from street to street with a cart and collected any old rubbish
  • RAG PICKER: a person who sorted the leftover rags to find reusable ones
  • RATONER: a rat catcher
  • REDSMITH: goldsmith
  • REVENUER: taxman who enforced tax laws on liquor
  • RIGGER: one who worked with the rigging of a ship
  • RIPPER: a person who brought fish inland to the market
  • RIVERMAN - unlicensed employee of a river boat, such as agent, barker, bartender, clerk, cook, deck hand, etc.; usually does not refer to the owner, master, mate, or pilot
  • RODMAN: a surveyors assistant who carried a leveling rod
  • ROPER: a rope or net maker
  • ROVER: an archer
  • RUGMAN: rug dealer
  • RUNNER: [1] a smuggler; [2] a messenger, collector, or agent
  • RUSTLER: a cattle thief
  • SADDLER: one who made saddles, harnesses, horse collars, bridles, etc.
  • SADDLE TREE MAKER: one who made the frames for saddles that the saddler used
  • SALOONIST: a saloon keeper; one who promoted the idea of having saloons for drinking
  • SALTER: a maker of and dealer in salt; a drysalter
  • SANDESMAN: a messenger, envoy, or ambassador
  • SAPPERS AND MINERS - soldiers who belonged to the engineer corps whose duty was to make trenches or saps
  • SARTOR: a tailor
  • SAWYER: one who cut timber into logs or boards
  • SAY WEAVER - a weaver of say, a cloth of fine texture resembling serge
  • SAYER: a poet
  • SCAVELMAN: one who kept the waterways and ditches clear
  • SCHOOLMASTER: teacher
  • SCHRIMPSCHONGER: one who carved bone, ivory, etc. into pieces of art
  • SCRIBE - an official clerk transcriber; one who copied manuscripts before printing was developed
  • SCRIMER: a fencing master
  • SCRIPTURE READER: A person employed by the local clergy to go from house to house reading parts of the bible to try and encourage people to attend church; also read scriptures during some services
  • SCRIVENER: a clerk or notary; formerly, a moneylender; a broker
  • SCULLERY MAID: a female servant who performed all the menial tasks
  • SCULLION: a male servant who performed all the menial tasks
  • SEALER: an inspector who was elected by the town to put his "seal" or stamp of approval on items he inspected, tested and certified
  • SEARCHER: one who was employed at a custom-house station to inspect incoming goods; a customs-man
  • SEEDSMAN: one who dealt in seeds; a sower of seeds
  • SEMI LORER: a person who made leather thongs
  • SEMPSTRESS: seamstress
  • SEWSTER: a seamstress
  • SHANTY-MAN: a lumberman
  • SHARECROPPER: a person who would farm ground owned by another, and divide the crops or the profits with the owner
  • SHEARER: one who removed the fleece from sheep
  • SHEARGRINDER: one who sharpened shears, scissors
  • SHEARMAN: one who sheared cloth, metal, etc.
  • SHEATH MAKER: a person who made scabbards for swords
  • SHEEPMAN: a person whose business was raising sheep; a sheepherder
  • SHEPSTER: a female pattern cutter; a dressmaker
  • SHINGLER: a roof tiler who used wooden tiles or shingles

    SHOESMITH: a cobbler; one who shod horses

    SHIP MASTER: the owner or commander of a ship

    SHIPWRIGHT: a carpenter skilled in building and repairing ships

    SHOE-FINDER: a person who sold shoemakers' tools and appliances

    SHOE-WIPER: a servant whose duty it was to clean shoes

    SHORESMAN: a person who made his living on the shore in the fishery business; a shore-gunner

    SHRAGER: a person who trimmed and pruned trees

    SHRIEVE: sheriff

    SILK THROWSTER: one who wound, twisted, spun, or threw silk fibers in preparation for weaving

    SILVER SMITH: a person who worked with silver

    SKEPPER: a person who made and sold beehives

    SKINKER: a tapster; one who drew ale

    SKINNER: one who dealt in animal skins; a mule driver

    SLATER: one who slated roofs

    SLOP SELLER: a person who sold cheap, ready-made garments

    SMELTER: [1] one who worked in a smelter melting down ores; [2] a fisherman who fished for smelts

    SMITH: one who made or repaired metal items

    SNOBBER: a shoemaker or cobbler

    SNOW WARDEN: a person whose duty was to make sure the snow was evenly dispersed on the streets so the sleigh runners could move easily

    SNUFFER MAKER: one who made the candle snuffer for putting out or "snuffing" candlelight

    SOAPBOILER: a soap-maker

    SOJOURNER CLOTHIER: a traveling clothes salesman

    SOUTER: a shoemaker

    SPALLIER: a tin works laborer

    SPERVITER: a keeper of sparrow hawks

    SPICER: one who dealt in spices

    SPINNER: one who spins yarn

    SPLITTER: one who operated a splitting machine or who split things by hand

    SPOONER: a person who made spoons

    SPURRIER: a person who made spurs

    STAMPMAN: a person who worked with an ore-crushing stamp mill

    STAPLER: a dealer in various goods


    STATIONER: a bookseller; one who sold paper, quills, ink stands, pencils, and other writing items

    STAY MAKER: a corset maker

    STEERSMAN: the helmsman of a ship

    STEP BOY: one employed to help passengers to enter or leave a coach

    STEVEDORE: a workman employed either as overseer or laborer in loading and unloading the cargoes of merchant vessels

    STEWARD: a person entrusted with the care and management of another's estate or household

    STITCHER: one who sewed, decorated with stitching, etc. STOCKINGER: one who knitted, wove, or dealt in stockings STOKER: a person who tended a furnace; stoked the fire or shoveled coal to feed a furnace.

  • STONE CUTTER: one who cut and dressed stones

  • STONER: a person who cut stones

    STONEMAN / STONEWARDEN: a surveyor of highways

    STONE PICKER: one hired to remove the stones from the farmers' fields before planting

    STONE WORKER: one who worked with stone such as masons or quarry workers

    STRAW JOINER: a person who thatched roofs

    STREAKER: one who prepared the body for burial

    STREET CLEANER: a street sweeper

    STRINGER: a person who made the strings for bows

    SUCKSMITH: a person who made ploughshares

    SURVEYOR: one who determined the boundaries, area, or elevations of land or structures on the earth's surface by means of measuring angles and distances, using the techniques of geometry and trigonometry

    SUTLER: a person who followed an army camp peddling provisions and supplies

    SWAIN: [1] a herdsman; [2] a servant; a young man who was a knight's attendant

    SWAMPER: [1] a laborer who cleared roads in a swamp or forest; [2] a person who did odd jobs in a saloon

    SWEEP: chimneysweep

    SWINEHERDER: a pig keeper

    SWORD CUTLER: one who made and mounted swords

  • TABLER: one who boarded others or was a boarder himself; boarding house operator

    TAILOR: one who made or repaired clothes

    TALLOW CHANDLER: a person who made and sold tallow candles

    TALLY-CLERK: a person who counted votes; one who kept track of cargo or merchandise

    TALLYMAN: a person who sold goods on credit and was paid by installments

    TANKARD BEARER: a person employed in the drawing and carrying water from public pumps and conduits

    TANNER: one who tanned or converted hides into leather

    TAPER WEAVER: a person who made candlewicks

    TAPISER: one who made tapestry; an upholsterer

    TAPSTER/TAPLEY: a barmaid or bartender

    TAPPER: a tavern-keeper

    TAVERNER: an innkeeper

    TAWER: one who made white leather

    TEAMSTER: one who drove a team for hauling cargo

    TENTER: one who looks after machinery in a factory, such as a loom tenter

    THACKER: a thatcher

    THATCHER: one who covered roofs with straw or reeds

    THRESHER: a person who separated the grain from the husks and straw

    THROWSTER: one who threw (wound or twisted) silk into thread

    TICKNEY MAN: a person who sold earthenware from town to town

    TIDE GAUGER: a person who monitored the tide

    TIDE WAITER: a custom house officer

    TIEMAKER: one who made wooden railway ties

    TILER: a person who put tiles in place either on the roof or floor

    TILLER: a farmer; a cultivator

    TILLMAN: a farmer; a ploughman

    TINKER: an repairman who mended pots and pans; a jack-of-all trades

    TINNER: a worker in a tin mine; a tinsmith; one who made tin ware

    TINTER: an artist skilled in tinting

    TILTMAKER: a person who made canvas awnings or canopies

    TIMEKEEPER: a person responsible for making sure things happened on time such as workers arriving or departing, trains, coaches, etc.

    TIMES IRONER: a servant responsible for ironing the daily newspaper

    TINCTOR: a dyer

    TINKER: a traveling repairer of pots and pans

    TINSMITH: a person who worked with tin

    TIPPER: person who put the metal tips on arrows

    TIPPLER: a person who kept an ale house

    TIREWOMAN: a woman who assisted in the dressing room, especially in the theater; a dressmaker; a costumier

    TOBACCO SPINNER: cigar maker

    TOLLER: a person who collected tolls

    TOLLGATE KEEPER: one who worked at the toll gate to collect fees for use of the road

    TONSOR: a barber

    TOOL HELVER: a person who made tool handles

    TOPMAN: a sailor who served in the top mast station; the man who stood at the topmost point when sawing lumber

    TOPSMAN: the foreman or head cattle drover

    TOWN CRIER: a person who made public announcements in the streets

    TRADESMAN: a shopkeeper or skilled craftsman

    TRAMPER: [1] a vagabond; a tramp; [2] a person who trampled or walked on clothing in the wash to clean them

    TRAMPLER: an attorney

    TRANQUETER: a person who made hoops

    TRANTER / TRAUNTER: a peddler with a horse and cart

    TREEN MAKER: a person who made domestic articles from wood

    TREENAIL MAKER: one who made the long wooden pins used in shipbuilding

    TRENCHERMAKER: a person who made wooden boards or platters for serving food from or cutting and slicing food on

    TRENCHERMAN: a cook

    TRUCHMAN: an interpreter

    TRUGGER: a person who made long shallow baskets

    TUBBER: a person who made tubs and barrels

    TUBEDRAWER: a person who made tubes

    TUNIST: one who tuned musical instruments

    TURNER: a person who worked with a lathe

    TURNKEY: a prison warden or jail keeper

    UPHOLDER: upholsterer and also a seller of secondhand goods

    UPHOLSTERER: one who finished furniture by putting on the padding and cloth

    UPRIGHT WORKER: a chimney sweep

    VALET: a male servant who attended a nobleman or gentleman

    VATMAN: [1] a person employed in the paper making industry to put the paper pulp into the moulds; [2] a person who worked with vats in beer and wine making

    VERGE MAKER: a person who made the spindles used in clocks and watches

    VERRIER: a glazier

    VERSER: a versifier; a poet

    VICTUALLER: a grocer or tavern keeper

    VINTAGER: grape farmer, wine maker

    VINTNER: a wine merchant

    VIRGINAL PLAYER: one who played a musical instrument similar to a harpsichord

    VULCAN: blacksmith

    WAFERER: one who made and sold wafers or thin unleavened cakes

    WAGONER: a driver of a wagon; a carter

    WAINWRIGHT: one who built or repaired wagons

    WAITMAN / WAKEMAN: night watchman

    WALKER: a cloth-worker

    WALLER: [1] a person who built walls either brick or dry stone; [2] one who worked making coarse salt

    WANTCATCHER: a person employed to catch moles

    WARDER / WARDEN: a person in charge of prisoners

    WARPER: [1] one who set the warp thread on the looms; [2] one employed to move boats by hauling on the warps (the ropes attached to the boats)

    WARRENER: a person in charge of a portion of land used for breeding rabbits and other small game

    WASHMAN: a person who applied the wash (or coating) of tin when making tinplate

    WATCH FINISHER: a person employed to assemble watches and clocks

    WATCHMAN: one whose job it was to guard the streets at night

    WATER BAILIFF: an official in charge of the fishing rights on a stretch of water; a river policeman or in coastal towns a customs official

    WATER CARRIER: a person who carted and sold fresh water

    WATER GILDER: a person who trapped water fowl

    WATER LEADER: a person who carts water for sale

    WATERMAN: person who worked with or on boats usually on rivers

    WATTLE HURDLE MAKER: a person who made a type of fence from wattle to keep the sheep, i.e. construction of poles intertwined with twigs, reeds, or branches

    WAY-MAKER: a person employed to make roads

    WAY MAN: surveyor of roads

    WEATHERSPY: an astrologer

    WEBBER/WEBSTER: a weaver

    WEEDER: a person employed to remove weeds from the gardens of the rich

    WEIGHER: a person employed on the docks to weigh the cargo as it was unloaded

    WELLMASTER: one in charge of the local well with the responsibility of ensuring clean water for the village

    WELL SINKER: a person who dug wells

    WELLWRIGHT: a person who made the winding equipment used to raise the bucket in a well

    WET GLOVER: a person who made leather gloves

    WET NURSE: a woman employed to suckle the child of another

    WETTER: [1] a person employed to dampen paper during the printing process; [2] a person in the glass industry who detached the glass by wetting

    WHACKER: one who drove a team of oxen, horses, etc.

    WHARFINGER: the person who owned or managed a wharf

    WHEELER: [1] a wheel maker; [2] a person in the textile industry who attended to the spinning wheel; [3] a person who led the pit ponies that pulled the tubs underground in the mines

    WHEELWRIGHT: a person who repaired and made wheels and wheeled vehicles

    WHEERYMAN: a person in charge of a wheery (a small, light rowing boat)

    WHIPCORD MAKER: a person who made whips

    WHIPPERIN: one who handled the hounds in a hunt

    WHITEAR: a cleanser of hides

    WHIT COOPER: one who made barrels from tin

    WHITE LIMER: a person who plastered walls using lime and water plaster

    WHITENING ROLL MAKER: a person who made the whitening used in whitening walls of cottages

    WHITENER: a person who bleached cloth

    WHITE SMITH: a maker of utensils in tin, especially dairy utensils

    WHITE TAWER / WHITTAWER: a saddler, harness-maker

    WHITEWING: a street sweeper

    WILLOW PLAITER: one who made baskets

    WINDER: in the textile industry, a person who transferred the yarn from bobbins onto cheeses or into balls ready for weaving; in the mines a person who operated the pulley or winch

    WINDSTER: a silk winder

    WIRE DRAWER: one who made wire from metal by drawing the metal through various size holes in a template

    WOODBREAKER: one who made wooden water casks

    WOODRANGER / WOOD REEVE: a person in charge of the forest or woods

    WOOLCOMBER: one who operated the machines that separate the fibers ready for spinning

    WOOL DRIVER: one who brought the wool to market

    WOOL GROWER: sheep farmer

    WOOL SORTER: a person who sorted the wool into different grades

    WOOLSTED MAN: a seller of woolen cloth

    WOOL WINDER: one who made up balls of wool for selling

    WORSTED MANUFACTURER: a person who made worsted

    WRIGHT: a skilled worker in various trades, i.e., shipwright, wheelwright, cartwright, etc.

    YARDMAN: rail road yard worker

    YATMAN: a gate keeper

    YEARMAN: a person contracted to work for a year

    YEOMAN: farmer who owns his own land


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